Thursday, December 5, 2013

Pregnancy Notes: Oh to feel normal again...

I want to remember each one of my pregnancies (well parts of my pregnancies I could do without remembering...uh hem...throwing up and such). So after looking through countless ideas for pregnancy journals I figure our family blog is the best way for me to journal my experience.

As I am barely in my second trimester I'm really pretty sick right now and I currently work at a job that gives me more anxiety and stress than I know what to do with...I mean some of my co-workers make coffee nervous! {I don't drink coffee but I think it gets my point across}

My goal is to focus on the positives...

With that being said I do want to remember the days like today where I've cried since the moment I woke up (hormones + nausea = horrible sick scientific experiment reactions), snapped at my husband who told I joke I didn't think was funny in the moment(which led to instant guilt...which led to more tears), pulled over twice on the way to work to spew my breakfast all over the frosted road; the day my nervous making coffee co-workers heard me wretching my guts out in the employee restroom, and where I feel extremely frumpy because I was too sick in the moment to have cared what I really looked like, my pants feel too tight, my belly pokes out, and I need a serious shopping spree because I hate everything I own in my closet!

{My hope is I'll look back on these posts and laugh:)}
Back on the positive track...
Despite everything I mentioned above I have so many things to be grateful for during this pregnancy.  I have the most amazing support team made up of My Mom (who had 6 horrible pregnancies but 6 amazing kiddos herself), My Sister (whom I work with & helps make work bearable), the rest of my immediate family, my in-laws(so glad they let us come over for a good home cooked meal when cooking is out of the question), my extremely patient and doting husband (gives me back rubs the moment I walk in the door from work, cooks meals, cleans the house, loves me unconditionally, etc. etc...honey, I will never be able to thank you enough for all you do).
Some of the other things I am grateful for during this pregnancy:
-Pregnancy Meds: Zofran, Unisom&B6 cocktails
-My amazing Dr. & his office staff
-Heat packs for my back
-Bubble baths (my go-to soother)
-Friends who have been pregnant or are pregnant that I can talk to
-A big thank you to my running buddy Amber for still going with me even though I'm slow
-Good health insurance
-Priesthood blessings

Week: 13 1/2 (it's amazing how each day feels like a triumph when your counting weeks)
Weight: 116 (I know a lot of bloggers don't post their weight but I want to track it)
Favorite Foods: {disclaimer: this changes daily}Smoothies, Raisin Bran, Toast with Peanut Butter, Chinese food (pei wei's orange chicken), Starbucks breakfast wraps, fruit, and veggies.
Exercises: Slight jogging(really wouldn't call it a run anymore), yoga, Jillian Michaels kickboxing, and weights.
Coolest pregnancy moment so far: Hearing our baby's heartbeat and watching that little thing move around like crazy!
Next Appointment: December 16th

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